"And all I know is the sun is shining, yet we fight all through the night," (Bliss N Eso, 2008).
Bliss N Eso, an Australian hip hop group would lead you to believe that the world where it stands is currently in a critical place- "things are bad". One such example provided from the song, 'The Sea is Rising' states,"Yeah, why are they refusing to listen, why are these troops on a mission, Why are they shooting these victims, over their view of religion,"(Bliss N Eso, 2008). The first few lines of the first stanza, takes the audience into the world of war- They ask why? Why does it matter what people believe? Have we not progressed as a society, far enough, to come to a place where the individual will not be persecuted for their religious beliefs? They believe not.
"And all I know is the sun is shining, yet we fight all thought the night," (Bliss N Eso, 2008).
'The Sea is Rising'- takes the audience on a journey around the world, and offers a disturbing perspective on what humanity has become. The chorus tells us that" the sun is shining", an Australian colloquialism for a great day/ time. Yet here we are "fighting, all through the night". The darker side of the fight is alluded to here. For example there are still some Australian politicians who refuse to believe in global warming, "yet all I know, is the sea is rising," (Bliss N Eso, 2008) and this scientifically proven fact which political leaders continue to refuse to acknowledge, means that the environment becomes less of a priority and more of resource to be consumed.
"And all I know is the sun is shining, yet we fight all thought the night," (Bliss N Eso, 2008).
Adams, in his work, "Phenomenologically Investigating Mediated “Nature”- provides a sensational analogy, he states;"These media alter our interactions with the world and these alterations become more complex as media mix. For instance, the light bulb blurs the distinction between day and night, but it also serves as an extension of the eye in that it extends our vision into previously concealed realms," (Adams, 2005, pp.513). Hence we have politicians telling us one thing, the media spin machines vying for our "consumerist" dollars and freestanding artists such as Bliss N Eso demanding that we start paying attention to the world at large and refuse to let humanity repeat the mistakes of the past.
Journeying Into Nature- a quick verse.
She wondered down the street near day break,
The trees gently swaying to the melody of the universe.
No sooner had she turn the corner, it was like a sign from heaven,
The sun appeared through the whispering trees, bespoken of another time.
She stopped to day dream and to ponder, what glorious path is mine?
This magnificent sight of the sun, the leaves, the fence - all combined.
Left her wondering about her life and what priorities were hers,
For she new that the fence was a part of societies expectations;
house, husband, children and career.
Today however she kept on walking just for that brief moment in time,
The sun was her master and the trees her guide; to a different path in life.
Referenced Work:
Adams T.E. 2005. Phenomenologically Investigating Mediated “Nature”. The Qualitative Report 10(3): September, 512-532, http://www.nova.edu/ssss/QR/QR10-3/adams.pdf
Bliss N Eso. 2008. The Sea is Rising. YouTube. Accessed: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hmYz-RE9YmA